Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saturday night plans

* A new book I unpacked at work today (ironic that I have just bought a pile of books and am starting a library book, yes? But I can't resist a time travelling novel and since it's a YF I should be able to knock it off in one sitting)

* The latest issue of Extra Curricular, which I've been saving to savour.

* A glass (or two) of $2 a litre wine.

* Lindor balls from a box given to me by someone I donated spare fabric to. I think I got the better end of that deal...

* That's a jumper sleeve you spy at the bottom. Perhaps I can finish it and it's partner tonight? Perhaps not.

* And there'll a pile of new-to-me music to sample. Perfect!


Cherry ・ チェリー ・ 체리  said...

I approve of your saturday night plans.

Ever read Time Traveller's wife, or seen the movie?

AMCSviatko said...

Yes and yes (

I've also got Replay by Ken Grimwood and one of the two classic Jack Finney books (Time after time and Time again)

Anyone got any suggestions for other time travelling books I might enjoy?