Friday, April 02, 2010


After I posted my last post, I spent some time wrestling my "New photos to be sorted" folder (which should really be called "Photos I've taken in the past 6 months that I haven't got to yet") into submission: deleting pictures I know I'll never use, loading images to FLICKR and filing photos I've posted and never got round to putting in the right place.It wasn't long before I noticed that a number of fairly random photos I was dealing with seemed to link together quite nicely. So I created the above montage.

(Top l to r: Charlie Parsley; work by Emily Valentine in her Craft ACT Flying Flings exhibition;
a figure I made out of the magnets I picked up yesterday; and Elizabeth Kelly's work for her Craft ACT Made in Japan exhibition.

Bottom l to r: Pigeons on the balcony outside CMAG's members' lounge (with Craft ACT in the background); random photo of a glowering sky I took on the way into Craft ACT one day; vintage doiley and button headband I threw together before I went to Pecha Kucha at Craft ACT last night; and my 2010 winter jumper, which seems to be moving at snail's pace...)

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