A Cushy Job (aka: That wasn't the scene I was planning to make at all)
Having spent a couple of hours after work tonight doing boring house worky-type stuff, I decided to reward myself by putting one of the weekend's aborted scenes back together on my newly cleared desk*
But the scene that eventuated wasn't quite what I was planning: I blame the fact that yesterday's crafternoon saw me finally finish approximately 30 incomplete cushions I had hanging round on my work bench. Which I had no idea what to do with... until I found myself creating a soft furnishings showroom. Which decided it was called A Cushy Job (Who was I to argue?) It would be wise not to mention copyright:Cushion images were lifted from my teatowel collection and various places online, including Aunty Cookie, who does fabulous (full sized) stuff that you should go buy. (Then she can't be (too) mad at me for stealing her designs in mini!)
I adore these cushions! If you don't mind my asking, how to you make them?
What a fab scene and I nearly spilt my tea when I read 'who you callin' a fat quarter?' Brilliant!
You can find my tutorial on printing fabric for mini use here: http://theshoppingsherpa.blogspot.com/2010/12/printing-miniature-fabric-tutorial.html
this is odd, but in a totally ace way!
the cushions are adorable :)
great scene, lovely blog!
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