Tuesday, February 13, 2007

My so called "Evening off"

Today was one of those lovely days which seems to move oh so slowly (in the nicest possible way) with no looming deadlines and time to smell the... err.... whatever's in season at the moment!

And tonight I gave myself the evening off. I could do whatever I wanted. No work. So what did I end up doing? I made a bag! Sheesh!

My excuse is I finally got around to playing with printing using cotton fabric ironed onto freezer paper. I even did a test print which I washed to see what would happen (not a lot, thankfully).

So then I had this cool piece of printed stuff which I wanted to use. Et voilà!May I present the prototype knitaholic bag? Designed especially for carrying your knitting with you, I added an outside pocket to tuck a pattern into ("Yay!" I thought. "Perfect size for knit.1 mag". But then I remembered they just made it bigger. Blerk!)and left the bottom of the pen holder on the inside pocket unstitched so it can be used for knitting needle storage instead (brilliant, if I say so myself, especially as it can still be used for pen storage if needed): Now the question is, am I brave enough to take it with me to the Library Lovers' Day Breakfast I'm going to tomorrow? And, more importantly, if I make another, will it sell?

I almost forgot: I found both freezer paper and bleach pen supplies in Australia! USA Foods in Melbourne sell both: bleach pens for AU$6.59 each and freezer paper for AU$9.99 a roll. Plus postage.

(Listening to: Cafe del Mar Vol 13)


Taphophile said...

Completely fabulous bag. Drat - if I'd been able to go to the breakfast we could have sported our bags together. As we know, there is more than two knitting librarians in this town - bet you get orders.

twitchy fingers said...

That's fantastic! Props on doing the printing-on-freezer-paper thing. If you're like me you'll never stop! And I can't believe you found freezer paper in Australia that was sooooo cheap!

AMCSviatko said...

Ah, they don't call me The Shopping Sherpa for nothing.

Taph - will we perhaps see you (and your bag) at 641.21 next week?

The Anti-Fashionista said...

That is one gorgeous bag! (I stumbled on your site from ikea hacker). Can I ask where you got your logo labels from, or did you make them yourself?

Taphophile said...

May well be able to make it next week, TSS. I have a small accumulation of things for you in any case.

AMCSviatko said...

A-F: Made em myself following SouleMama's instructions (http://soulemama.typepad.com/soulemama/2006/03/label_this.html) except I used double sided tape to stick them down (and discovered the double sided tape lasts at least two print runs - woohoo!) I also leave them to dry for a few minuted, peel them off the paper and iron the revers side of them on cotton setting to further heat set the ink.

Taph: Ohhh... but the only thing I have for you is a small decor coffee container which was yours to start with :-(