Goodies goodies - yum yum!
Found this happy crowd in my post box this morning. (Obviously that was where the party was at over the weekend and no one thought to invite me... )They were attached to a care package from my Sis in Auckland, New Zealand who heard my desperate ex pat cries for a taste of home and sent these:
Four packets of white toffee pops (promise I won't eat them all at once!) plus a very very cool postcard of Elizabeth Thomson's The Black and Whites (which may end up framed) from the Winter Season of Wellington Art and a Saint Etienne CD that wasn't her taste and she thought I'd enjoy more.Ah, bliss... Big trans-Tasman hugs to you, best Sis in the world!(Listening to: Under the Covers at The Hotel California)
My thoughts on your redesigned site. I like the "white space" it gives it a clean look and makes it easy to read. I have a big mac screen to read it on and it reads nicely. Makes the photo's stand out more as well. Thanks for Saturday and see you Thursday for 642.5!!!
.5?! Are we suddenly going out?! Do I not have to scratch around for a vegitarian gluten free main course any more?
Nah, maybe we'll stick to 642.4 and my dining table...
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