Monday, May 11, 2009

(i)Mac and cheese

My run of pre-birthday luck continues with Perfect Italiano cheese sending me a stash of free cheese to play with, and the addition to my new creative space of a (very) cheap iMac G5 from work.

I can't be a real designer unless I'm using a Mac, can I?

There's only one little problem. It didn't come with a mouse. Probably just as well with all that cheese around...


Anonymous said...

You can just use a cheapo PC mouse - it won't look the part, but it will work :) As long as it has a USB connection of course!

AMCSviatko said...

Aha! So I can share my mouse between my computers until a lovey used white Mac mouse falls into my lap. Hurrah!

Cherry ・ チェリー ・ 체리  said...

Cheese is good.

Maybe get a mouse that you dont have to connect?