When I got up this morning I wondered if there was going to be enough light to shoot the mini scene I'd planned to make this weekend.
But, by the time I'd spent the late morning going to buy more black spray paint, made lunch and shared it with a friend, the sun had come out and I was good to go.
Except there were problems. The original plan for the grey and yellow kitchen which I sketched last week looked like this:
I wanted to play with the idea of working into a corner. Except I only had one sheet of the grey scrapbooking paper and really couldn't face a trip to the mall for one piece of paper. Just as well, really as I realised that, although the Miele kitchen sink worked rather well, there weren't any more bottom cabinets in the set and I didn't have the brain space today to muddle bits into something appropriating the bench return I was after...
Feeling most disheartened, I threw together a couple of pieces anyway, including a set of flying ducks I'd painted just for the occasion, and noticed that the sun was hitting the space I was working on rather interestingly. So I placed my cardboard window wall across the side of the scene to see what the effect was with the sun shining through it:
and decided it was worth working on the scene further.
(Still not happy. Very sterile all round. And I'm also bummed that it would seem that the lovely fat jugs aren't going to make it into the scene)
Taking a moment to step back and review the photos I've taken so far, I realise there is no story to the scene. It's a kitchen, it's morning. Maybe the owner has just returned from the Farmers' Market?
Better, but the tulip chair is ruining the view of the table and flowers so it gets swapped out:
And, since the scene is now very top heavy I add a crate of purchases to the floor
(which doesn't work, much as I like the idea.)
A straw shopping bag? much better, but the scene still isn't really working for me so I give it away as an idea that just didn't come together the way I'd planned.
That doesn't stop me taking some detail photos before I dismantle it.
And, just as I'm about to rip it apart, a beam of light shines through the window and I capture a shot I'm happy with:
(Time taken: 20 minutes, not including putting things away afterwards)
That's a fabulous description of the creative process - and lovely results.
Lovely scene especially the yellow birds .
Wow, love the use of natural light in there. If you wanted a really natural scene a la my place, there'd be a pile of dishes waiting to be washed!
I love grey & yellow together, & the kitchen scene looks great. The detail shots of the produce in the cute basket, & the vase on the table are really lovely.
Very nice! Very 50s! Love the birds on the wall. Perfect for this space! Well done!
i know, i seem to be comment spamming, sorry, it's been so long since i caught up with your posts! i do so love your creative process, i feel like some not-too-sneaky voyeur (eh contradictory?) everything looks so beautiful!
Snowfern: I end up doing the same and have, in fact, spent some time last weekend binge reading your posts to catch up.
And I've only got as up to date as late July :-(
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