Thursday, April 09, 2015

A light at the end of the tunnel...

Deadline tomorrow. I'm at that stage where there are a few things that just aren't going to happen (but I know that's normal).

I also know there's no way in hell I'm going to win. But winning's not the point.
Modern dolls' house miniature scene in progress, with a copper-coloured cafe bar stool in the dark with a geometric-design light shade above, casting patterns on the wall.
I've lost a stool. I'll have to cope.

But the tea-light shade trial is working a treat. The internal pillars are glued on to the back wall and drying under a pile of books. The external pillars are downstairs recovering from their 'grunge wash'.

And the night is still young...


kittyandkatminiatures said...

The light looks awesome!

otterine said...

Don't you count yourself out!!! :D Eagerly awaiting your reveal!