Caffeine Faerie has got a place to live - now she needs stuff to live with....
"Anyway, this is a general shout out - we have the essentials - you know - glassware, tea cups and a teapot, a bed, and Magpie's made the arrangements to get a fridge, washing machine and those appliancey sorts of things.
But that is the sub-total of everything we have - so if anybody has anything - bookshelves, desks, chairs, drawers, cutlery, crockery, etc, that you intended to ship off to the Salvos*, we would be more than happy to look after it in the interim while we save up to buy our own furniture and stock. (And we will be happy to sent it on to the Salvos ourselves). *We call them the sallies in NZ, so I'm getting used to this new term. :)
Anything would be appreciated. You can get hold me of either through the notes on my blog, or at arwenamin (at) gmail (dot) com. There will be cake/cookies/yummy stuff of the food variety in repayment. "
I think I'll be attacking my top cupboards this weekend...