Sunday, May 05, 2024

A knitting emergency, with cake

(Alas only miniature)

Recently-started knitting project on double-pointed needles with a stitch marker made of a miniature cake with a slice taken out of it.
At mini club a friend arrived with dark grey fingerless gloves on her hands: not knitted, but something that looked more like fabric gardening gloves with the fingers cut off.

"Oh" she said "I hurt my hands and I've been told to keep them warm. But I hate these".

It just so happened that I'd stopped off at Lincraft on the way to club to buy some nicely-discounted machine-washable wool to knit some lounge socks for Mum, so pulled out my purchases and asked if she liked any of the colours, as I'd decided she needed some nice hand-knitted wristwarmers instead.

She picked the variegated, so I cast on last night when I got home (choosing a suitable stitch marker, of course!), and finished them off just after lunch this afternoon.

She lives in the next suburb over but has headed up to Sydney today on a day trip to visit the Sydney miniatures and dolls house fair, so I dropped them into her mail box for her to find when she gets home.

And that, dear reader, is why there were no minis happening around here today.


R. Jones said...

Very kind of you!!

m1k1 said...

Indeed I saw those very same grey fingerless gloves on her hands as she stopped to chat on her way around the miniatures tables. We also had a chat with Rebecca G.

AMCSviatko said...

Glad to see Rebecca was back there :-)