Three chairs for our Celebration of Wool Day stall this weekend. $3 each from Salvos. Perfect for our Knit Cafe area and nicely timed as we held a planning meeting yesterday afternoon and realised we only had one folding chair amongst us that we could use...
I also picked up yetanotherretroteatowel plus a bird statue: $1 for both.The colours of the tea towel go nicely with the colours I chose to paint the knobs of the bamboo needles we'll have for sale on the stall:Speaking of needles - guess who picked up a pair of Brittany knitting needles for $2 while I was with her today? It's a pity they're not the right size for the twirly scarf, that would be beautifully poetic...
1 comment :
Always finding real decent cheap stuff still i see :) I like the red!! :P
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