Sunday, January 07, 2024


Sheila made a very good point in her comment on yesterday's post when she said "I hope you still have fun with minis even if you don't blog about it. That's the whole point of a hobby after all right?".

This particularly resonated with me, as over the summer break I decided that 'fun' was going to be my theme word for this year, after a number of years that most definitely haven't been fun (although have had a few spots of it here and there).

One of the fun things that's happened this year is that I received a fabulously generous mini swap parcel from Cyd, the first swap parcel I've had since I settled on this flat five and a half years ago.

As I opened the parcel and admired all the treasures Cyd thoughtfully put together for me I felt a stirring of excitement and joy, which made me realise how much I missed both receiving boxes of mystery treasures, but also (and probably more), having the budget to put them together for my blog buddies.

Yesterday I started playing with a few of the pieces in the shelves above my computer, unwittingly choosing pieces that have all been gifted to be by blog buddies over the years:

One-twelfth scale modern miniature collection of decor items including a candle lantern, vase, felted pear, love sculpture and elephant.

(and sending myself a hidden message: don't forget how much you love minis. And blogging. And blog buddies. And swaps. While also remembering my visit to the original Love sculpture way back in 2006, and being pleased I now have a tiny souvenir of it!)

But there was a problem. I needed a candle for the lantern, but couldn't find my stash of miniature candles.

After 15 minutes I gave up and decided they'd turn up eventually, and it would be a better use of my time to make some more.

Flat lay of a pack of white glue sticks, a hobby saw and mitre box and tray of small wire lengths.

Which I did, thus guaranteeing the missing stash will show up very very soon.
One-twelfth scale modern miniature collection of decor items including a candle lantern, vase, felted pear, love sculpture and elephant.

Hand holding a one-twelfth scale miniature tray with a collection  of miniature pillar candles of various heights arranged on it.

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