In January this year I was having a "now I won't be able to do my trip as planned, oh woe is me!" moment when I pulled myself together, thwacked myself across the head and decided a little prioritising was in order (aka "Shit or get off the pot"). If I really REALLY wanted to spend my 40th in New York I could do it. If I chose not to go that path I had to shut up about it already.
So I sold my scooter. Those 5 words are actually quite earthshattering for someone who was known as "Scoots" or "Scootergal" for many many years. Someone who has owned a scooter of one sort of another since the 80s.
Someone who only got a car license (and a car) last year. Someone who flew her scooter from New Zealand with her almost 10 years ago.
Someone who set up the Wellington Scooter Club...
Sorry - this was supposed to be a post about my upcoming adventures in the United States not my past as a Vespa Vixen.
So I'll be on a big bird to LA then Philly in 8 weeks and 6 days. The thing that worries me (apart from where the hell my spending money is going to appear from - perhaps I should add a Paypal donation button to my blog?!) is why am I not excited about it? Not one jot. I even watched two New York travel videos last night that I got from the Library in the vague hope it would get me enthused. Didn't work...
I just hope it's because I'm now a hardened world traveller as opposed to this excited wee thing from 10 years ago:(Soundtrack: Madonna, confessions on a Dance Floor)
1 comment :
Love the photos! Who knows, maybe I will join you for Thorne Rooms....
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