Then suddenly she saw a doll waving at her and begging to be adopted. This was most odd because The Shopping Sherpa didn't believe she "did" dolls in her houses (if you are a non miniaturist you need to know at this point that there is an ongoing raging debate in the miniature world as to whether your house should be peopled or not). And before she knew it, TSS had adopted Doreen MacGregor.
For that's what the doll's name was, according to the doll. TSS checked with Doreen's previous owner, Charlene, who said she didn't know what her name was and so it was decided.
Doreen set off on her long journey from The USA to her new home in Australia. And as Charlene pointed out in her original email to TSS:
"Boy is this doll in for an adventure and what a great collection for her to live in and it sure is funny that she is German made and dressed Scottish and will live in an English home in Australia"

Doreen, however, arrived safely along with an assortment of necessities for the trip packed away in a small yellow suitcase by Charlene (who thought over everything except toilet paper, much to Doreen's distress) .
Being a stoic Scot she seemed untroubled by the lack of promised living arrangements and wasted no time in sending a postcard to Charlene to let her know of her arrival and of the saga of the missing house. She received a speedy reply:
"I hope when your house arrives you will enjoy living in your new home and I am sure you will love everything that is done for your home sorry you never had a real little house here and I know you will love yours I heard it was something very special coming all the way from the UK WOW! your a lucky little girl. Say hi to everyone and wish them well from your other family. Best Regards Charlene"
Doreen settled into the temporary accommodation happily and TSS thought the adventures and suprises were over.
Then Dennis, the mail-order husband, arrived. As Doreen wrote to Charlene:
"Well the shift Down Under has certainly been good for me - I now have a husband! Shhh! Don't tell anyone but he was a mail-order husband (bet you thought you could only get brides, huh?) and so far we are getting on very well.
The house situation is still not good. No sign of our (I love saying "our") place arriving. But that may work out for the best since we have our eye on a much bigger place (6 rooms instead of just two and a porch) which will give us room for a family eventually. In the meantime I've got rather attached to my cardboard boxes and will be quite sad to leave."
As often happens, the family came earlier than expected with the arrival of Daisy Rose MacGregor on November 11 2004, along with a very generous range of baby necessities, courtesy (once again) of Granny Charlene.And soon after (luckily) they were safely settled into their larger and newer Triang House.
And so it came to pass that the MacGregor family all lived happily...
The End.
(Updated photos (with detailed furniture information) can be found, as usual, in my CMAG FLICKR set)
Now I realise dennis that you have taken up being an Aussie - but sleeping on the couch while Doreen does all the hard wotk with the baby just isn't acceptable. You could at least be vacuuming the house, or making the dinner!
What a lovely story. I love the idea of the new husband arriving in the mail! Is the little first Triang house the one that got lost in the mail? The windows are Romside.
Great Blog.
Pandora: Yes, the first photo is the eBay photo of the lost house. :-(
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