Thursday, December 31, 2009

Suddenly, I have the urge to visit Napier in the next couple of months...

Is it for the fabulous art deco architecture?

No. Already done that: The world class
wine and food?


The possibility of bumping into
my hero Douglas Lloyd Jenkins?

Getting closer.

It's because I just read about an exhibition being held at Hawkes Bay Museum and Art Gallery (which Douglas Lloyd Jenkins happens to manage) called The Miniatures - An adventure in the Bren collection.
"More than 2000 miniatures collected in London in the 1930s and 1940s"? I've so got to be there! Damned shame Craft ACT don't pay me as then I could maybe claim the whole thing as research for next year's Call of the Small* exhibition.

(*Thanks, as always to the real Call of the Small for letting me borrow her name.)

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