And, more importantly, presents for you:
The lovely folk at Perfect Italiano have made another free cheese pack available, retail value $35 (delivery to Australian addresses only, sorry)
To go in the draw to win this package of cheesy goodness, leave a comment on this post telling me who you'd like to invite to a dinner party where you would use your Perfect Italiano cheese. The guest list can be a maximum of 8 people, including yourself. And preferably living (just to make it harder). If you'd like to turn this into a meme and post your answers (and reasons) on your blog please make sure to leave a link in the comments of this post! I'll close comments and draw a winner at 5pm EST Saturday 27th June 2009.
After a conversation in the comments of this I Op therefore I am - ACT post, I decided on the following guest list:
Jeffrey Steingarten (My fave US food writer)
Nigel Slater (Ditto for the UK ever since I used to read his recipes in very early editions of UK marie claire before there was a US edition, let alone a AU one!)
Terence Conran (Can't believe I put him third on the list. He'll have fun talking food with Jeffrey and Nigel)
Paco Underhill (Retail Anthropologist and author of "Why we buy" and "Call of the mall". He and Terence should find a lot to talk about)
Douglas Lloyd Jenkins ("one of the most influential design writers in the Southern Hemisphere". He and Terence should have a lot in common)
Terry Wogan (Eurovision commentator extraordinaire)
Peter Travis (Australian designer and colour expert: hopefully I could convince him to give me private colour theory lessons...)
Who would you chose? What would you feed them?
So how about tv eye-candy.
Captain Jack from Torchwood
Captain Jean Luc Picard from Star Trek
Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Carribean
Captain Kermit from the Muppet Treasure Island
Captain Mainwaring from Dad's Army
The Shopping Sherpa (because she isn't missing out on any of them)
The Old Flame (to keep us in line)
I'd invite that good looking fella from the Perfect Italiano ad.
He'd cook me pizza. Yum. And yum.
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