Take:Four old fashioned, rather nasty frames and a lamp with good bones but an insipid shade from a recent eBay lot.
Remove:(Pictures, lamp shade and wiring.)
Add:Candy coloured scrapbooking frames picked up from Lincraft last week (whoops: forgot to mention them) and black paint (of course)
Mix well with:Fabric from an earlier aborted scene (still banging around on the worktable), the last of the repainted cafe chairs, a little something I'll tell you a bit more about later and a previous purchase
While experimenting with: Building the scene sideways after you get the shits with trying to attach itty bitty frames to fabric with blutack (without it showing or the frames all falling off while you turn the camera on!)
ahem. Where's the lamp? :D
And yay for black paint!
Still sitting on the workbench in the kitchen while I decide what colour I want it to be and if I want its mate to match or be a different colour.
Then there's the whole issue of if I want them electrified or not: in which case 12v or 4.5v?
are you asking me? I have no clue about electricity... well a little yes, but certainly not in 1:12 scale :D
No, t'was more of a public rumination. Except the fact I have 12 4.5 volt transformers and no 12 volt transformers may tip the balance.
How revolutionary: 4.5v in 1/12 scale!
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