1. Pear and Ginger Upside Down Cake which I finally made this morning after realising the pears I'd bought last week weren't going to last much longer. There's a story behind this cake - I've been vaguely looking for a recipe for it ever since I left Wellington (that would be almost 11 years ago) as Clark's Cafe in the Wellington Public Library used to serve it. It was a favorite choice if I didn't fancy their Spinach and Feta Muffins that day. I came across this recipe in the Australian Good Taste mag I got in my Dove Pink Star Walk goodie bag. Talk about serendipity!
2. Sold in my Made It store this morning. Must get around to making up some more packs this weekend.
3. I finally mowed the back lawn this morning. I even did the edges. Obviously I wasn't paying close enough attention (and don't panic, the rest of the lawn was nowhere near this long...)
4. More Groovy Green Bags finished and waiting for decent light so I can take photos and get them listed in my store.
5. Pondering the fabric for the Pay it Forward gift I need to create.
6. A special order messenger bag finished and ready to go to its new home.
7. Lunch time: Real Simple and wash cloth #5!
8. Cutting out a pear doorstop (that would be a super sized pincushion with something heavy in the bottom) Princess B requested I make from a curtain offcut she had. Although it looks suspiciously like I'm making a Moomin...
9. And tonight's the first episode of The Librarians on ABC. I'll be watching it at The National Library with a glass of wine in one hand. As you do.