First up, from the 2007 ACT Miniature Enthusiasts' show is this scene which still makes me laugh when I see it (I believe it was by Mandy Bates: can someone let me know if I'm remembering incorrectly?)
A couple of months later I shared how I'd made an old project of mine: city and beach balcony scenes created in two matching IKEA box frames (sadly now long discontinued...)
Back at the ACT Miniature Enthusiasts' show the following year, I was taken by this greenhouse created by Ann Dowdall (wife of James of Victorian Dollhouses):
In 2009 I went to Melbourne, and to ACMI's Setting the scene exhibition. Where I took some sneaky against-the-rules photos (and a video) of the model of Villa Arpel from the film Mon Oncle. (I still feel bad about that... but not bad enough to take them down. :-/)
Speaking of films, the next year while visiting Wellington I was invited to visit the film set (in miniature, of course) for the New Zealand movie Second-hand wedding:
In 2012 I was lucky enough to hunt down and buy a Brio 1960s bungalow, one of my 'holy grails'. And had a party to mark the occasion.
Another 'holy grail' was marked off the list in 2013 (no party this time, just lots of ice cream...)
Here's a mid-century modern patio scene I started making in 2014, based on some wonderful pieces sent to me by Mod Pod miniatures in a very generous swap parcel at the beginning of that year.
Alas I never finished the scene, as after finishing a miniature version of a La Gardo Tackett garden sculpture
I got flumoxed by working out how to bash standard french doors into mid-century modern ones. (In fact, I found one of the doors on my boxing-day clean up...) We'll add that to the list of things not finished and move on, shall we?
Five month later I celebrated my 9th blogiversary with a party at Margell Public School. And what a party it was!
And later the same year there was a different veranda, this time on the HBS Creatin' Content 2015 build (which ended up on top of the fridge for a couple of years until I resurrected it recently...
In January last year I did my annual complain about the summer heat,
using pieces from earlier builds mixed in with Lundby pieces that worked well in 1/12 scale.
It was a quiet year blog-wise as I dedicated my brainspace to settling into a new job, but Spring saw me trying to kick-start my mini obsession with this scene (inspired by a swap parcel from Kitty & Kat Miniatures):
and this scene, pulled together with a breezeblock wall I'd bought from Tiny Bungalow (whose website, alas, seems to have disappeared since..)
That very same wall featured in the post where I finally finished the Alvar Aalto trolley 900 which had been taunting me for a very long time.
Finally there's this whimsical pop-up bar: I'm not sure if it's finished or not...

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