Next up was mango and apple juice made with the leftover tinned mango juice from Saturday's danish and freshly made apple juice.

Finally, in the afternoon I cooked up a large pot of my fave Lentil spinach and coriander soup for dinner and the freezer. And then I had an afternoon nap just because I could.
I woke up at 6pm, had dinner then ran round like a chicken with its head cut off when I realised I was going to Northside Stitch 'n' Bitch but had not one single project on the needles to take! Day Nine:
Breakfast: Tea. Freshly baked Anzac biscuits courtesy of Janet, who brought them as a bribe when she came to pick my brain
Morning Tea: Freshly baked bread and butter.
Lunch: Egg salad sandwich.
Afternoon tea: Tea. A piece of leftover mango danish. (I came home Sunday night with 4 pieces left over - three are in the freezer for later sugar fixes.)
Dinner: Lentil, spinach and coriander soup. Bread.
Finished today:
* Lemon juice (if I need it I'll have to buy lemons. No hardship, really)
* Brown lentils (not quite finished but not enough to do anything with. I can buy more if I want but I think I'll use up my other beans first)
* Spinach (on the list for the next shop)
* Tinned cat food (it's on special at Woollies this week. I'll buy some today)
Total spent since June 1: $53.68
Your bread looks lovely - I made some the other day that was like a door stop :( ....eek!
What was wrong with the bread? It's not supposed to look perfect, The recipe is from the Canberra Times (which is an Australian paper, last time I checked!) so I'm unsure why you have to change measurements.
Slice the other loaf and put it in the freezer - that'sexactly what I did and it was (is) fine.
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