Well OK, probably not really wild and crazy in generally accepted terms, as I spent a whopping $35.43. But it seemed pretty full on for someone who's spent so little this month. And I sort of failed the challenge as I spent $10 at Coles on 10 tins of tuna. Saving $7.15 so I feel quite justified as that sort of price is pretty rare these days...
But I'm ahead of myself. Where was I? Oh yes, CMAG. I had a meeting with the Senior Curator this morning to iron a pile of stuff out and set some plans in motion for the next 13 weeks before they mount my exhibition. Then I went to Rae's floortalk to get a feeling for what's actually involved in giving one. Took copious notes. I feel much more prepared.
Would you like some dates for your diaries?
The exhibition runs from Saturday 4th October 2008 (Labour Day long weekend) to 26th January 2009 (Australia Day long weekend. How handy is that?)
The opening will be held on Saturday 4th October at 2:30pm for 3pm. I've been asked to supply a guest list so if you'd like an invite please email me (over there on the side bar - feel free to email Trudy if you'd prefer but I'm afraid she won't be answering you...) At this stage it'll just be afternoon tea but there are plans afoot to turn it into a rooly trooly knees-up grog filled event that will stagger off into the evening with us in tow when CMAG throw us out at 4pm.
Depending on how many people are coming from out of town (or the country!) I'm thinking of arranging a visit to Cockington Green the next day. Then again I might be completely buggered and want to spend the day in bed with the doona pulled over my head!
The floortalks will be Thursday 16th October 2008, 12:30pm - 1:30pm and again Saturday 18th October 2008 2pm-3pm. Bookings essential (call 6207 3968)
The temptation: Is to leap onto eBay and try and fill some collection gaps. But I'm being strong (for now - this missing link is sorely tempting me, though...)
Day Seventeen:
Breakfast: Tea. Fruit toast with ginger lemon and lime marmalade. Plain yoghurt.
Morning Tea: Cheese and crackers. Chargrilled vegetables.
Lunch: The final container of leftover smoked salmon, broccoli, red pepper and blue brie pasta from the freezer.
Afternoon tea: Freshly made tzatsiki and rice crackers. I had half a cucumber that had to be magiced into something edible before it died completely...
Dinner: Potato and leek casserole courtesy of Digby Law's classic cookbook.
Finished today:
* Cucumber (and I forgot to buy any more)
* Salad leaves (alas not really finished but beyond eating. It was only a handful so I don't feel terribly bad)
* Coriander bunch (also into the compost bucket)
Bought today:
* Cat biscuits: $4.09 (full price! Ouch!!)
* Biodynamic plain yoghurt: $3.75
* 10 tins of tuna on a "ten for ten" deal: $10
* Eggs, potatoes, garlic, mushrooms, baby spinach, salad leaves, tomatoes, lemons and apples at Choku Bai Jo (pictures tomorrow): $17.44
* 2 hours' parking at Canberra Centre: $2.50 (I didn't have much choice unless I wanted to risk the free customer parking underneath Officeworks in Mort Street and race to the other side of town for my meeting)
Total spent since June 1: $100.71
It might be cheaper just to give the cat tuna as a treat! The gallery opening is going to be terrific. It's a shame I'm so far away. Pout pout.
Having just read your plans I'm trying to work out how to ditch work, leave the kids with the husband and trek from the UK to Austrailia. Somehow I get the feeling it just isn't going to happen, but I plan to follow your show vicariously through your blog. So please keep up the posting (and having just read "not buying it" and feeling pretty awful about how much dross we buy I am impressed by your shopping restraint :) )
Hi Gill
Never fear, I have plans to feature one house on my blog each week on the leadup to the show. With photos and some background about it and why I had to have it.
And, as I discovered yesterday, shopping restraint doesn't stretch to new houses for the collection (which I "need" to fill the gaps)*sigh*
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