My theme songs for today:
(as ActewAGL turned off the power just as I hit the shower this morning and it remained off until after 3pm.)
Day Twelve:
Breakfast: Tea. Toast with ginger and lime marmalade.
Morning Tea: The last fruit finger biscuits and a fruit snack pack.
Lunch: The "still no electricity, tempted to go buy a Thai lunchbox, but convinced myself I could cope with opening the fridge twice" lunch: Bitsa plate (bitsa this and bitsa that) comprising cheese, cucumber, tuna, the last of the cherry tomatoes (best before 5/6/08 but still OK), sliced olives, carrot sticks and lettuce. Served with a slice of bread and tahini.
Afternoon tea: A cup of tea to celebrate return of power with a piece of mango danish from the freezer, nicely warmed in the microwave.
Dinner: From the freezer: Mediterranean bean soup with parmesan curls, toasted turkish bread and pesto (lunch club isn't happening tomorrow so I can eat the last of the block parmesan and turkish bread. Hurrah!)
Finished today:
* Fruit finger biscuits
* Fruit snack packs (I'll eat fresh fruit for the rest of the month)
* Cherry tomatoes (I'll see what Choku Bai Jo has when I go next)
* Tuna (Uh oh...)
* Parmesan cheese block (I still have pre-grated to tide me over. For now...)
* Milk
Bought today:
* Milk $5.00 (they only had 2 litre containers)
Total spent since June 1: $60.68* (see below)
Interesting mail:
Telling me I get paid to do my floortalks at CMAG! Who woulda thunk it?! (I wonder if they'd like to book one in each week the exhibition runs??)
(Six) More hankies (and a box to keep them in):

A conundrum:
I finally took Miss Daisy down to Braddon Smash Repairs today to get the quotes to sort her out. And it turns out the quote for getting her front end fixed plus the Albury tow truck and emergency repair come to less than the excess on my insurance. Which is good. Except that meant I had to call my insurance company and cancel the claim and pay them the $113.19 they paid Albury Auto Body last month.
Yep, I spent money. I was tempted to do a fiscal sleight of hand and safely tuck the expense into last month's accounts which is when it would have been paid had I paid upfront at the time. I'm still tempted to do that. What do you think? Should I do that or count it this month?
It belongs in last month's accounts - the expense was incurred last month, and it was paid last month. All you are doing now is transferring it from one account (the insurance claim) to another)
The Hankie making monster!!!
It's an expense from last month so belongs back in May's accounts.
And OMFG AU$5 for 2 litres??
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